Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it a requirement to attend 1 event every 6 months? 

Our group is specifically created to be an in-person group with meet ups via events to make connections and friendships in person. Making yourself known and visible to other members helps to build a rapport and trust to start building friendships.

There is a huge variety of events planned every month including weekdays and weekends, so although everyone is busy, finding 1 option to fit in one’s schedule every 6 months leadership believes is reasonable. 

Where can I find the events that are already scheduled? 

The easiest way to view all events up to date that are currently created is to go to our website or to find the “events” section on the Facebook page.

If you are on the website and then find an event you want to sign up for, you do have to be a member and logged into Facebook for the link to the event to work and to be able to sign up. Check Events often as an event can be created by any member at any time!

 If I am not sure if I can make it to an event, what is the best way to select an interest?

If you are interested in an event that is scheduled further out and unsure, it is best to first only select “maybe”.

As the event gets closer, be sure to update your status to either “Going” or “Not Going” to ensure that the host of the event is aware. 

I am hesitant about attending an event where I don’t know anyone, what do you suggest? 

First, check out “all members” in the group to see if there is another member in our group that you are associated with that perhaps can attend your first event with you.

Or reach out to any Admin or Group Expert and ask if they could attend an event with you. 

Many members have been nervous about attending an event for their first time (Including Founder Patricia) without knowing anyone else, and the feedback from all, is that they were nervous, but felt very welcomed and so glad after that they made it to their first event! 

 If I have an idea for an event but cannot host it at my home, what should I do?

Any member can have an idea for an event, and the best way to see if others have interest and could possibly host or co-host an event, is to create a post on the main page as a “gauging interest”.

In your gauging interest post mention you will need a host location (Co-Host).

You can also create an event and host it at a venue versus at your home, and the same can be done as above, do a gauging interest post and if needed, request a member to assist with finding a venue and/or co-hosting with you. 

I would like to invite a friend to an event but they are not a member, can I do that? 

Please contact the Host of the event and ask if you can invite someone that is not a member of our group. The decision is entirely up to the Host of the event.

Keep in mind that if the event is for women only, then you would not be able to invite a male. 

If you have a friend only interested in the one event, versus becoming a member, it is better to ask the Host if you can invite your friend, versus inviting your friend to join the group.

I have kids, are there any events where I can bring my children? 

Any member can create an idea for an event and Host an event, the specific details of the event are 100% entirely up to the Host of the event. 

Generally there are a few events every year that are open to children and/or spouses/partners. Always check out the description and details in the event itself. 

Leadership also encourages Moms in the group to create kid friendly events and Host them. 

Can I post items I have to sell on the page? 

There is no selling on our Facebook page. 

Can I post deals I offer on my business service or products on the page?

There is no business advertising allowed on our FB page, unless it is pre-approved by Director/s or if it is part of an Event that is created for our members and offered at a discounted special rate specific to our group and its members. 

If unsure, always ask an Admin before posting. 

What can I do if a member has made me uncomfortable? 

Message or Text Director/s Patricia or Tiffany directly to discuss the situation in private. 

Patricia founded the group and takes any issues of breach of privacy, safety, security, or disrespect member to member very seriously.

Who creates events and where do the event ideas come from? 

Events are created by members. 

You can have an idea for an event even if you are unable to host the event. 

This group is member driven and the ideas and possibilities for events is infinite. 

Do general members of the group create posts or are post mostly by group leaders?

This Facebook group is a platform mostly specific to engagement type of posts and for events gauging interest and creation. 

It is not your typical social media page where anyone can post or anything can be posted.

Typically, leadership makes most posts; however, it is also a page to create engagement, so at times a general member may post something that we can all relate to. A member can post something on the page that is funny or creates a great conversations.

Just keep in mind to avoid any controversial types of topics or posts, and know leadership does monitor how many posts go up in any given day to not be too overwhelming. 

I want to invite a friend to check out the group, what is the best way to explain to them about our group or get information about our group before deciding to join?

The best resource for a friend to learn more about our group without becoming a member is to go to our website 

You can also invite your friend to join with the condition that they can browse and check things out for 30 days to see if it is something they can become active and they have time to start getting connected and attend events. 

If a friend is too busy at the current time to be able to become active, they can join at another time when they have more free time. 

I have a friend in another state that may want to try something similar to our group where they live, how can I share information with them?

Our website provides great information for those that do not live in our area but are curious about our group foundation and structure. 

Patricia is always available to answer questions to those that may be interested in creating something similar where they live. You can request Patricia’s cell number.

This has become quite common since the group was founded and word got out! 

I would be interested in being a “Member Spotlight” where do I sign up for that and what are the qualifications to be selected? 

Member Spotlights are for Active members who have met member requirements, which will include highlighting a member, their family, hobbies, career and/or their businesses. 

A member can be a Spotlight even if they do not have a business; it is primarily a resource to highlight active members so we can discover more about her. 

There is a Lead who manages Member Spotlights who can be contacted if you want to be included, or a post where members can sign up periodically.

I don’t understand what the big deal is about having an expectation to attend an event every 6 months, why is this a member expectation? 

The group was created and founded specifically to provide a resource for women of our community to meet other women in person and we do this via events, especially due to Covid keeping so many at home and out of touch in person. 

It is the Founder’s belief that women friendships are incredibly valuable and in short supply sometimes and it is equally important for a woman to make time for herself away from her daily responsibilities. 

The group was created specifically to provide a platform to accomplish both points above 

Friendships are built via familiarity, comfort, rapport and trust, and that is done first by engaging actively on the Facebook page and secondly by being visible and present in person so others can see you and meet you in person. 

This group is about creating connections and making friendships, that cannot be genuinely done behind a keyboard. 

Through 2 years of leadership, it was passed unanimously, that it is a reasonable expectation to make 1 event every 6 months especially considering how many events and variety of days and times are created on any given month on average. 

I am extremely busy and find it difficult to attend an event, what suggestions do you have? 

The group is specifically created and set up for in person connections via events. If your life is too busy at the current time, all of leadership understands, so it would be better to wait to join until a later time when you are able to make more “me time” just for you to get out and meet other amazing women and have some fun. 

Most events are 1 ½ – 2 hours only, so we all hope when you join, you will find great new connections, make new friendships, and join others for an event of fun! 

Leadership and members create an amazing platform for a huge variety of different types of events different days of the week and times, and the events are regularly being scheduled. Finding the time and picking an event you will love is up to each member.